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your words hold power


Do you know what you say can impact others around you?

You have power in what you speak.


You have authority over what you speak.

You can choose to speak life over you, your family, your situations.

Or You can choose to speak death.

The choice is literally up to you.


What you have to say is actually a reflection of what is inside your own heart.

If you have bitterness, I promise you’ll project bitterness.

If you have joy, you will project joy.

The cycle continues. 

In the bible, it speaks of how powerful our words really are. 


Life and death is in the power of the tongue.

–Proverbs 18:21


And in that, we have the freedom to speak life over us or we can speak death.


Coming into CGA, I lacked so much confidence in my voice. Not my singing voice,

I literally mean my voice. I didn’t believe my words held any power, not a single bit.

I would let other people speak for me, or worst of all not say anything at all.


It wasn’t until one of my wonderful housemates gave me some of the greatest feedback I have ever received. 


“You are worth communicating. What you have to say and what you think holds so much value. Don’t be afraid to speak those things out.

 Sweet nug, you are so loved.”


And that’s when my mindset began to change.

It started with just saying how I was feeling.


Then it started with speaking up in class.

Then that lead to letting people into where I was emotionally and spiritually.

I then started to wake up each morning with a mindset of


“you have power in what you speak.

You have authority over what you speak.

You can choose to speak life over yourself, or death.

Make the good choice today.”


I want to challenge you to take a look over what you are speaking.

Are you bringing life to yourself and to those around you, or death?

Are you complaining over everything instead of thanking for what you have?


They tell us here at AIM that If we want something then we need to ask for it.


So if youre wanting to find your voice, I pray the Father shows you what you’re speaking over


Youself and others. I pray for boldness to step out into the faith of speaking the hard things. Even


The great things, Father I pray you just settle their mind and let your words flow from their lips.


Show them your goodness and your power so that they may see how faithful you really are.



I encourage you to Start walking in the mindset of what you have to say holds so much worth.


Because sweet nug, you are so loved.

What you have to say is so worth communicating.


I love you and i would love to hear from you.